Q: What is your refund policy?A: We offer a 14-day refund from the date of purchase. If you're not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within the first 14 days of enrolling and we'll issue a full refund.
Q: Are you an official SAP training partner?A: No, we're not an official training partner for SAP and we never advertise that or claim that. However, we have senior SAP consultants who are certified and experienced in the field, and they share their knowledge with students who are interested in pursuing SAP certification. Certified SAP training is only available from SAP Education or one of its authorized training partners.
Q: How soon will I get access to the training program and content after enrolling?A: Once you enroll in our training program, you'll have immediate access to all Course Content.
Q: How do I receive my course completion certificate?A: Once you successfully complete the training, you'll receive a course completion certificate from CommerceCloudz.
Q: Can I cancel my enrollment and get a refund?A: The course enrollment cancellation, refund, and rescheduling policies are available on the
course platform website. Please visit
this page for more information.
Q: How can I get certified in SAP Commerce Cloud?
A: SAP® CC certification exams validate your knowledge and skills in the field. You can find details for all valid SAP certifications on the SAP website: https://training.sap.com/certification/validity